Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Well, Monday passed me by!  Oops.

At this point, we are settled into cranio sacral appointments and chiro appointments (for each of the girls) weekly.  Yikes!  It's getting to be expensive, but we have such excellent help that I'd like to take advantage while we can.

A's head is showing significant rounding as our appointments progress.  I'm considering whether or not I'd like to post pictures due to her privacy being protected.  I'm leaning toward it though, just because it's so apparent that her head is rounding.  So, stay tuned for that sometime possibly, maybe.

Her cranio appointment was fabulous today.  It seems that the suture is becoming flatter as we continue with cranio work.  The therapist commented that she felt the two plates in the top of the head moving upward, which ... any movement is good movement! 

She is taking a mega nap right now and that is usually a good sign of healing on her part.  Good appointments usually equal a lot of sleeping.

In other news, we could be looking at some more life changes, so we'd appreciate your prayers!

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