Friday, July 11, 2014

The Onslaught Begins

First, the word onslaught is so dramatic, I had to use it.

For the past two weeks, we've only had one appointment a week, due to some scheduling issues.  Next week begins three sessions a week and I have a feeling it's going to be a lot.  It seems that having cranio sacral work drags up tons of other stuff too.  I believe that our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual nature is all bound up in one but when you start moving things around, it seems that emotional stuff can really get the best of you.  Yes, we did just move and have a death in the family and have some huge schedule adjustments for two small and wonderful girls, but I'm thinking this emotional roller coaster I feel like I am on is connected to Dr. P's work as well.

I did want to give an update though .... with only those two appointments, we have seen a HUGE improvement in A's ability to communicate and in the words she can use.  We now have toy, balloon, boy, water, possibly Daddy and yes.  And chick chick .... this girl loves her meat, particularly chicken.  Those are great improvements and I'm so thrilled every time to hear her say things, any things.  Even noises are great.

As we move into the three times a week appointments, I'm going to be giving shorter blog posts after each appointment, just to keep tabs on what is going on and what is changing.  Eventually I am hoping to put together a bunch of pictures, so you can actually see the changes that are taking place.  For those of you who have a sagittal baby, you'll know what I mean by the following description:

So far, A's head has gotten wider right above the ears, the top of the head has expanded upward and most excitingly the "doorknob" on the back of her head has been significantly reduced (possibly to the point of it being almost flat, but I don't think I'll go that far yet).  Her head is still longer than it should be and her eyes are still very wide set and almond shaped ... I think that's going to be the strangest part, when her face becomes more full and round and she doesn't "look like" A anymore.

So, this weekend has some exciting things in store (baptism, party, birthday party for Z), THEN! the many appointments begin!

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